A Methodology for Assessing the Network Connectivity Improvement for Transport Hubs

The ubiquitous transportation system environments make it possible to collect each vehicle's position and velocity data and to perform more sophisticated traffic flow management at the individual vehicle or platoon level through vehicle to vehicle (V2V) and vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) communication. It is necessary to develop a traffic flow management scheme to take advantage of the ubiquitous transportation system environments. This paper proposes an algorithm to advise the optimal speed for each vehicle according to the traffic flow condition. The algorithm aims to stabilize the traffic flow by advising the equilibrium speed to the vehicles speeding or crawling under freely flowing condition. And it aims to prevent or at least alleviate the shockwave propagation by advising the optimal speed that should dampen the speed drop under critical flow conditions. This paper builds a simulation testbed and performs some simulation experiments for the proposed algorithm. The proposed algorithm shows the expected results in terms of travel time reduction and congestion alleviation.
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