Вплив елементів технології вирощування Trifolium pratense L. на фітосанітарний стан травостою та розвиток кореневої системи

The paper presents the results of the investigations into the assessment of the grass thickness of meadow clover depending on the systems of fertilization and the methods of the basic soil tillage in the experimental field crop rotation. It has been established that the aftereffects of fertilizers contributed to the increase in the quantity of weeds in all variants of the experiment. Their highest quantity was observed in the first mowing under the traditional organic and mineral fertilization system (6,25 t|ha of manure + N50P48K55) per 1 ha of crop rotation area under all phases of growth and development. The most favourable phytosanitary state for meadow clover was observed in the variant with the subsurface soil cultivation under the organic and mineral fertilization system with moderate norms of mineral fertilizers. Weediness amounted to 90,0-53,0 ps| m2 in the phase of full blossoming of meadow clover of the first and second mowing.
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