Efeito das periodizações linear e ondulatória na resposta hemodinâmica em idosas

A periodizaA§A£o do treinamento de forA§a permite organizar e planejar os estA­mulos aplicados, modificando as variAiveis de forma sistemAitica. No entanto, a influAancia do tipo de periodizaA§A£o nos parA¢metros hemodinA¢micos em idosos necessita de maiores esclarecimentos. Assim, o objetivo do presente estudo A© avaliar a resposta hemodinA¢mica em mulheres idosas submetidas a duas diferentes periodizaA§Aµes. Materiais e MA©todos: Amostra composta por 22 idosas sedentAirias, idade 63 ± 2 anos; estatura 1,48 ± 0,05m; massa corporal 64,70 ± 11,92 kg; A­ndice de massa corpA³rea (IMC) 29,54 ± 5,61 Kg/m2; pressA£o arterial sistA³lica (PAS) 126,41 ± 17,55 mmHg; e pressA£o arterial diastA³lica (PAD) 74,45 ± 8,78 mmHg. Inicialmente foram realizadas trAas sessAµes semanais de familiarizaA§A£o nos aparelhos: Leg Press, Puxador Frente, Mesa Flexora, Supino Vertical MAiquina e Cadeira Extensora. Foi realizado testes de 10 repetiA§Aµes mAiximas (10RM) para determinar a carga correspondente para cada aparelho. As participantes foram aleatoriamente distribuA­das em dois tipos de periodizaA§Aµes: Linear (PL) e OndulatA³ria (PO) e submetidas a 10 semanas de treinamento. Foram avaliadas as variAiveis: PAS, PAD, PressA£o arterial mA©dia, frequAancia cardA­aca e Duplo produto semanalmente. Os resultados demonstraram reduA§A£o significativa (p 0,05). ConclusA£o: Assim, podemos concluir que a periodizaA§A£o linear reduziu significativamente a PAD apA³s o perA­odo de treinamento em idosos, nA£o havendo diferenA§as entre os tipos de periodizaA§Aµes. ABSTRACT Effect of linear and wave periodization on the hemodynamic response in the elderly The periodization of strength training allows to organize and plan the applied stimuli, modifying the variables in a systematic system. However, the influence of periodization type on hemodynamic parameters in the elderly needs further clarification. Thus, the aim of the present study is to evaluate the hemodynamic response in elderly women submitted to two different periodizations. Materials and methods: Sample composed of 22 sedentary elderly women; age 63 ± 2 years; height 1.48 ± 0.05m; body mass 64.70 ± 11.92 kg; body mass A­ndex (BMI) 29,54 ± 5,61 Kg/m2 ; systolic blood pressure (SBP) 126,41 ± 17,55 mmHg; and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) 74,45 ± 8,78 mmHg. Initially, three weekly sessions of device familiarization were performed: Leg press, Lat pull down, Leg curl, Chest press machine and Leg extension. Tests of 10 maximum repetitions (10RM) were performed to determine the corresponding load for each apparatus. Participants were randomly assigned to two types of periodizations: Linear (PL) and Daily Undulating (PO) and submitted to 10 weeks of training. The following variables were evaluated: SBP, DBP, mean arterial pressure, heart rate and double product weekly. The results showed a significant reduction (p 0.05). Conclusion: Thus, we can conclude that linear periodization significantly reduced DBP after the training period in the elderly, with no differences between the types of periodizations.
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