Synergie entre le mesocentre Grenoblois CIMENT et la grille europeene EGI pour la recherche de nouvelles particules dans l'experience ATLAS aupres du collisionneur LHC au CERN.

We describe the synergy between the production grids of CIMENT (a multidisciplinary mesocentre in Grenoble) and WLCG (the LHC computing grid) for the analysis of data recorded by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC collider. The LHC collider at CERN (Geneva, Switzerland) is the leading facility for research at the high energy frontier. The main goal of this facility are the search for a subatomic particle called the Higgs boson and the search for any hints of new phenomena beyond the Standard Model of particle physics. The observation of the Higgs boson has been announced earlier this month by ATLAS and CMS, the two general-purpose experiments operating at the LHC. Researchers at LPSC in Grenoble are leading the search for one particular type of new phenomena in the ATLAS experiment, namely the search for additional spatial dimensions which would manifest themselves via the production of a particle called graviton in LHC collisions. Given the rich multitude of physics studies proceeding in parallel in the ATLAS collaboration, one of the limiting factors in the timely analysis of ATLAS data is the availability of computing resources. This limitation becomes problematic in the months that precede the international conferences where major results are released. The sharing of resources between different scientific fields, like the one discussed in this article, constitutes a valuable synergy, because the spikes in need for computing resources are uncorrelated in time between different fields. The result of our collaboration between fields manifest themselves in the timely publication of the LHC results that are eagerly awaited both by the particle physics community and by the general public.
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