Occipito-cervico-thoracic spine fusion in a patient with occipito-cervical dislocation and survival.

: A 16-year-old man with occipito-cervical dislocation and survival was treated at Rancho Los Amigos Medical Center. The patient had ligamentous instability between the occiput and the cervical spine. His neurologic level was complete at the C1 level, and he was dependent on a mechanical respirator. Sternocleidomastoid and other neck musculature were not functional. A fusion of the occiput to cervical spine and cervical spine to thoracic spine was performed to obviate the need for external neck support. The patient went on to fuse and is now independently mobile with a tongue-switch driven wheelchair with a respirator trailer 2 years after injury. The patient has no need for external support as a result of his fusion.
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