A computer program for use in sheep enterprise decision making.

The profitability and long term viability of any business enterprise depends on careful, well thought out, long term planning. The pastoral industry is no exception and management decisions need to be based on the long term as well as short term advantages and disadvantages of any parficular strategy. Examination of the long term effects of management decisions has always been difficult. Not only is the future uncertain but the necessary financial and stock calculations are tedious, particularly if several strategies are considered. A computer program, suitable for use on programmable calculators, has been designed with the specific aim of reducing the tedium of calculation. Emphasis in the design has been placed on flexibility and applicability to actual decsion making situations. The program, devised for use on the Hewlett Packard 41C calculator, is very similar in aim to the model reported by Barber (I 9801, which aimed 'to provide a tool for producers, extension workers and researchers that could be used anywhere from the office desk to the kitchen table'. A recent summary of enterprise modelling work in 'Computers in Farming' (Department of Agriculture, Victoria 1980) indicates that most of the modelling work has been centred around larger, less portable micro-computers. The ease of operation, transportability and low cost of programmable calculators should make them a valuable tool for use on properties by managers. owners, extension workers, bankers and stock agents. They will enable the manager quickly and accurately to assess the likely outcome of various management strategies.
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