Оренда території в міжнародному публічному праві

The dissertation (manuscript) for candidate Law degree. The speciality 12.00.11 – International Law. – The Yaroslav Mudry National Law Academy of Ukraine. – Kharkiv. – 2001. The theses are devoted to the study of the essence and content of the lease of state territory institute in the international public law. The comprehensive analysis of doctrine and treaty executing practice is made. The history and the genesis and development of the issue, the law nature of international lease as well as title of leased territory are researched. The notion of “international lease of state territory” and its essential elements as well as the status of lessee citizens have determined. The dissertation contains the analysis of procedures operating during the lease completion as well as mechanisms applying for responsibility realization. The theses formulate conceptual provisions, new proposals and conclusions on the researched issues.
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