One-nucleon spectroscopy of nuclei with a = 7

Н.The important problem in the theoretical anal-ysis of the nuclear-physical processes is the fi nd-ing of the correct form of the wave functions of the nuclei participating in the interaction being con-sidered. Since it is possible only in the framework of the defi nite models, then it is preferably to use the model representations reproducing as much as possible wide spectroscopic information about nu-clei. Now the many-particle shell model (MSM) is the more complete and developed one for the light nuclei [1]. The experience of MSM use showed that its application was justifi ed when considering the processes covering the interior of nuclei. At investigating of the peripheral processes, particu-larly, the reactions of nuclei photodisintegration, the disadvantages of the MSM use appear to be obvious and they are connected with an incorrect asymptotics of the wave functions, i.e. with too fast decrease at large distances. When considering the peripheral processes the more acceptable are the potential cluster models (PCM), the wave functions of which have a correct asymptotics [2]. In addition, exactly the peripheral processes dominate in the range of low and super-low energies of interaction, which are paid still an increasing attention now, for example, the problem of nucleosynthesis of neutron-defi cient р-nuclei. In a whole, a study of the structure of the light nuclei including low-energetic near-threshold photonucleon (γ,
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