Right whale gunshot calls in the southeastern Bering Sea.

The eastern population of the North Pacific right whale (Eubalaena japonica) is critically endangered. Following extensive historical whaling in the 19th century and large illegal catches by the USSR in the 1960’s, it is likely that this population now numbers in the tens of animals. Little is known about the distribution, movements, migrations, or habitat use of this population, but the existing data suggest that it now occupies a reduced range compared to historical times. In 2007, NMML began conducting a multiyear study of the distribution, abundance, and habitat use of North Pacific right whales in the North Aleutian Basin and southeastern Bering Sea using aerial and vessel surveys. During the 2008 survey, directional sonobuoys were used 24 h a day to record right whale calls and obtain cross‐bearings to the whales. Although previous work in the Bering Sea focused on detections of the right whale upsweep call, our findings suggest that the gunshot call is much more ubiquitous. Spatial and temporal tre...
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