Online Bin Covering with Limited Migration.

Semi-online models where decisions may be revoked in a limited way have been studied extensively in the last years. This is motivated by the fact that the pure online model is often too restrictive to model real-world applications, where some changes might be allowed. A well-studied measure of the amount of decisions that can be revoked is the migration factor $\beta$: When an object $o$ of size $s(o)$ arrives, the decisions for objects of total size at most $\beta\cdot s(o)$ may be revoked. Usually $\beta$ should be a constant. This means that a small object only leads to small changes. This measure has been successfully investigated for different, classic problems such as bin packing or makespan minimization. The dual of makespan minimization - the Santa Claus or machine covering problem - has also been studied, whereas the dual of bin packing - the bin covering problem - has not been looked at from such a perspective. In this work, we extensively study the bin covering problem with migration in different scenarios. We develop algorithms both for the static case - where only insertions are allowed - and for the dynamic case, where items may also depart. We also develop lower bounds for these scenarios both for amortized migration and for worst-case migration showing that our algorithms have nearly optimal migration factor and asymptotic competitive ratio (up to an arbitrary small $\eps$). We therefore resolve the competitiveness of the bin covering problem with migration.
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