Clinical Evaluation of a Herbal Toothpaste for the Treatment of Dentine Hypersensitivity (การประเมินผลทางคลินิกของยาสีฟันสมุนไพรในการรักษาอาการเสียวฟัน)

The effectiveness of Twin Lotus, a toothpaste containing herbal ingredients, on dentine hypersensitivity was evaluated in a their baseline tactile, air blast, and cold water sensitivity scores.The two groups were randomly assigned to use either the herbal toothpaste or the placebo toothpaste over a three-month period. Both groups were instructed to brush their teeth twice daily for one minute with their assigned toothpaste. After three months use of their assigned toothpastes, those subjects in the herbal toothpaste group showed a statistically significant decrease in the levels of tactile, air blast, and cold water sentivity, as compared to those in the placebo toothpaste group (p < 0.001). The results of this study suggest the usefulness of the Twin Lotus herbal toothpaste for reducing dentine hypersensitivity.
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