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Holographic duals of Boundary CFTs

New families of regular half-BPS solutions to 6-dimensional Type 4b supergravity with $m$ tensor multiplets are constructed exactly. Their space-time consists of $AdS_2 \times S^2$ warped over a Riemann surface with an arbitrary number of boundary components, and arbitrary genus. The solutions have an arbitrary number of asymptotic $AdS_3 \times S^3$ regions. In addition to strictly single-valued solutions to the supergravity equations whose scalars live in the coset $SO(5,m)/SO(5)\times SO(m)$, we also construct stringy solutions whose scalar fields are single-valued up to transformations under the $U$-duality group $SO(5,m;\bZ)$, and live in the coset $SO(5,m;\bZ)\backslash SO(5,m)/SO(5)\times SO(m)$. We argue that these Type 4b solutions are holographically dual to general classes of interface and boundary CFTs arising at the juncture of the end-points of 1+1-dimensional bulk CFTs. We evaluate their corresponding holographic entanglement and boundary entropy, and discuss their brane interpretation. We conjecture that the solutions for which $\Sigma$ has handles and multiple boundaries correspond to the near-horizon limit of half-BPS webs of dyonic strings and three-branes.
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