Josephson Junctions as Narrow-Linewidth Tunable Microwave Oscillators

Extensive measurements of radiation emitted from long Josephson junctions d.c.-current biased on zero-field and Fiske-steps are reported. The measurements were made in the band 8-10 GHz on long Nb-Nb oxide-Pb overlap tunnel junctions with the lengths 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm having fundamental frequencies of 10 GHz and 5 GHz, respectively. Depending on the fundamental frequency of the junction 1st or 2nd harmonic detection was employed. In the fundamental scheme the frequency fn vs. the d.c.-voltage Vn along the steps follows a modified Josephson voltage/frequency relation fn/Vn = 2e/nh, where n is the step-number n = 1, 2, 3,... for Fiske-steps and n = 2, 4, 6,... for zero-field steps. On a given step the frequency could be tuned (200-500 MHz) by varying the bias point. The linewidth was measured to be less than 5 kHz. All the observed phenomena are consistent with a novel unified dynamic bunched fluxon model applicable to both zero-field and Fiske-steps and are in good agreement with recent numerical solutions of the perturbed sine-Gordon equation with proper boundary conditions. Taking advantage of operation on higher order steps and strong harmonic generation the present upper frequency limit for the Josephson fluxon oscillator is above 200 GHz. The maximum power observed so far is only 5 pW, but the estimated available power is of the order 1 μW, which is quite sufficient to pump other Josephson devices.
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