Feminist sosyal hizmet perspektifinden popüler yabancı dizilerde kadın düşmanlığının incelenmesi

Populer kultur unsurlari tarafindan yaratilan ve topluma yansitilan kadindusmanligi (mizojini): kadinlara karsi var olan dusmanlik, nefret, kadinlarinasagilanmasi veya cinsiyet ozelliklerinden dolayi kucumsenmesi, cinsel bir objeolarak gorulmesi (nesnelestirilmesi), kadinlara karsi her turlu siddetinmesrulastirilmasi, kadin bedeninin metalastirilmasi olarak karsimiza cikmaktadir.Bu calisma, feminist sosyal hizmet perspektifinden populer kultur unsuruolarak gorulen populer yabanci dizilerde kadin dusmanligini incelemek icingerceklestirilmistir. Bu nedenle, arastirma kapsaminda belirlenen 10 populer yabancidizi, arastirmanin 6 mizojinik (kadin dusmanligi iceren) temasi bakimindanincelenmistir. Bu populer yabanci dizilerde: a) kadinlara asagilayici isimler takma veonlari karalama, b) kadinlari cinsel acidan nesnelestirme, c) kadinlarin kimlikbutunlugunun/kisiliginin zedelenmesi ve degersizlestirilmesi, d) kadina yoneliksiddetin kullanimi ve mesrulastirilmasi, e) kadin cinsiyetini/fizyolojik ozelliklerinialcaltan ve asagilayan sozlerin kullanimi, f) kadinlarin zayif ve yetersiz oldugunadair kalipyargilarin kullanimi olmak uzere 6 temanin izi surulmus ve incelenen herdizide, bu temalara iliskin veriler ortaya konulmustur.Arastirmanin birinci bolumunde, genel hatlariyla kadin dusmanligi kavraminailiskin bilgilere yer verilmis olup, kavramin, feminist sosyal hizmet yaklasimiylailiskisi aciklanmistir. Ikinci bolumde, arastirmanin nasil yapilacagina, ucuncubolumde arastirma bulgularina, dorduncu bolumde ortaya cikan bilgiler isigindatartisma ve yoruma, besinci ve son bolumde ise arastirma sonuclarina ve onerilereiliskin bilgilere yer verilmistir.Bu arastirma, feminist sosyal hizmet perspektifinden populer yabancidizilerde, kadin dusmanliginin nasil ve ne siklikta sunuldugunu ve yaratilanmizojinik imajlarin, toplumun sosyal, ekonomik ve politik yapisini ne sekildeetkiledigini veya toplumun mevcut ataerkil ve erk egemen yapisinin kadindusmanligini nasil ortaya cikardigini ve destekledigini aciklamak amaciylaplanlanmis ve yurutulmustur.AbstractMisogyny which has been created by elements of popular culture andreflected to the society emerges as the existing hostility against women, hatred,humiliation or contempt of women in due to their gender features, being seen asexual object (objectification), the legitimating of all type of violence againstwomen and commodification of the women’s body.This research, it was realized to analyze misogyny in popular foreign serieswhich was seen as an element of popular culture from the perspective of feministsocial work. For this reason, ten (10) popular foreign series that are determinated tothe research were examined in terms of six (6) misogynistic themes. The followingthemes were analyzed in this popular foreign series: a) naming and shaming, b)sexual objectification, c) damnification of personality integrity andfloccinaucinihilipilification of women, d) perpetrating and legitimating violence towomen, e) usage of words that contempt female gender or physiological features ofwomen, f) usage of stereotypes concerning that women are weak and ineligible.The first chapter of this research in general terms is mentioned knowledgeabout concept of misogyny and its relationship with feminist social work. There ismethodological knowledge in the second chapter, findings of the research in the thirdchapter, discussion and review in the fourth chapter and conclusion andrecommendations of the research in the last chapter.This research using the perspective of feminist social work is intended toexplain how often misogyny is presented in popular series and how creation ofmisogynistic image affects the society’s social, economical and political structure orhow society’s existing patriarchal and male-dominated structure reveal and supportthe misogyny.
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