Dry Developable Plasma Polymerized Photo-Resist System For Curved Surface Fabrication

Dry-developable single layer resist process using plasma polymerized film was investigated. For the process, the selective fixation of Si-containing organic monomer to base polymer at the exposed part was applied. Plasma polymerized film was formed by an inductively coupled gas flow type reactor. Si-containing monomer was diffused to a base polymer in the sealed reactor under the pressure of several Torr at RT. The contrast of Si-containing monomer between the exposed and unexposed parts was attained by expelling the unreacted monomer at the unexposed part after pattering exposure. The pattern formation was performed through the process using SR as a pattering source. The 1-1.5um pattern was obtained by O 2 RIE. An investigation about the diffusion level of Si-containing monomer was conducted by IR and ESCA depth-profile.
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