ABSTRACT This article introduces a study on strategic development of interpreting competence in simultaneous interpreting from a C-language (German) applied to students of the department of Translation and Interpreting at Dokuz Eylul University in Turkey who were trained as translators and interpreters in English, German and Turkish and evaluates strategies of developing the interpreting competence in simultaneous interpreting from the C-language German which result from methods, processes and outcomes of the study mentioned above. All students of this undergraduate program are much more in command of English at the beginning and take various courses concerning linguistic and cultural competences, theories of translation and interpreting, translation and interpreting from and to the respective languages and cultures over eight semesters and prepare themselves to the profession of a translator and/or an interpreter. The observation of our student's progress in the interpreting classes revealed that in order to train the prospective interpreters in German other supportive approaches and methods compared to English interpreting courses had to be applied. This paper discusses the problems, causes of problems and methods for preventing and/or solving the given problems in the interpreter's training concerning German as a source- and C-language and depending of the data of the study mentioned above. Key words: interpreting competence, simultaneous interpreting, C-language, interpreter's training, strategies of translation and interpreting OZ Bu calismanin amaci, Dokuz Eylul Universitesi, Edebiyat Fakultesine bagli Ingilizce-Almanca-Turkce egitim veren Mutercim-Tercumanlik ogrencilerine uygulanan ve C-dilinden (Almancadan Turkceye) eszamanli ceviri edincinin stratejik acidan yapilandirilmasi konulu uc yillik bir calismayi tanitmak; calismanin yontem, surec ve sonuclarini tartisarak C-dili Almancadan eszamanli ceviri edincinin nasil yapilandirilabilecegine iliskin yontemleri degerlendirmektir. Agirlikli olarak Ingilizce bilgisiyle bu programa katilan ogrenciler, dort yillik ogrenimleri suresince Ingilizce  ve Almanca olmak uzere iki yabanci dilde cesitli dil ve kultur bilgisi, ceviri alaninda kuramsal bilgi, yazili ve sozlu ceviri edinci kazandiran dersler alarak mutercim-tercumanlik meslegine hazirlanmaktadir. Bu surecte edindigim gozlemler, Almanca sozlu ceviri derslerinde gereken beceriyi kazandirmak acisindan Ingilizce sozlu ceviri derslerinden daha farkli bir yol izlemek ve farkli yapilandirici yontem ve sureclerle uzerinde calisarak beceri kazandirmak gerektirdigini ortaya koymustur. Bu makalede sozlu ceviri egitimi surecinde kaynak ve C-dili olarak Almancanin kullanilmasina iliskin yasanan sorunlar, bunlarin nedenleri ve bunlarin onlenmesine ve/veya cozumune iliskin yontemler, yukarida anilan uc yillik arastirmanin verilerine dayanarak tartisilmaktadir. Anahtar sozcukler: sozlu ceviri edinci, eszamanli ceviri, C-dili, mutercim-tercuman egitimi, ceviri stratejileri
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