The role of renewable heat technologies in industry. A review of Dutch sectoral industry roadmaps

As part of the knowledge project of ECN part of TNO (project name: ‘Renewable Heat Supply’), a review of the sectoral roadmaps that were developed in 2012 was conducted, in order to gain insights regarding the potential role of renewable heat options in industry and (part of) the services sector. The acquired knowledge of this study will serve as input for further analysis during the later stages of the project. Industry is the largest user of thermal energy in the Netherlands and is therefore a vital sector in the transition towards a Renewable Heat Supply. Based on the industrial roadmaps, created by the industry in cooperation with RVO, of 2011/2012, an overview was made of the potential perceived fit by each sector of different renewable heat options, as well as an overview of the current incentives promoting such technologies and barriers impeding their adoption.
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