Inhibitory effect of galanin on dopamine-induced enhanced vasopressin secretion in rat neurohypophyseal tissue cultures.

Abstract The effect of galanin (GAL) on vasopressin (VP) secretion was studied in 13–14-day cultures of isolated rat neurohypophyseal (NH) tissue. The VP content of the supernatant was determined by radioimmunoassay (RIA) after a 1- or 2-h incubation. A significantly decreased content of VP was detected following the administration of 10 −6 –10 −9 M doses of GAL. Dopamine (DA) and the DA-active drugs apomorphine (APM) and Pro–Lys–Gly (PLG) (10 −6 M in each medium) increased the VP level of NH tissue cultures. This VP concentration elevation could be blocked by the administration of GAL together with DA, APM or PLG. The DA-blocking effect of GAL was prevented by previous treatment with the GAL receptor antagonist galantid (M15). The results indicate that VP release is directly influenced by the GAL-ergic system. The GAL-ergic control of VP secretion from NH tissue in rats can occur independently of the hypothalamus, at the level of the posterior pituitary.
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