Essential Psychiatric, Mental Health and Substance Use Competencies for the Registered Nurse Developed by the Psychiatric Mental Health Substance Abuse Essential Competencies Taskforce of the American Academy of Nursing Psychiatric Mental Health Substance Abuse Expert Panel

The original concept for this document was conceived at the meeting of the Psychiatric Mental Health Expert Panel during the Academy of Nursing 33rd Annual Meeting and Conference, Integrating Physical and Mental Health Care, held in Miami, Florida, November 9-11, 2006. Judith Haber and June Horowitz co-chaired the Expert Panel meeting at the time discussion took place regarding the need for a document centralizing recognized competencies and curricula associated with psychiatric mental health nursing practice. The Expert Panel also recognized the need for a document that identified psychiatric mental health competencies for generalist nursing practice. Catherine Kane and Margaret Brackley agreed to Co-Chair a taskforce to write these competencies. They were joined by Madeline Naegle, Sandra Talley, Marian Newton, Jeanne Clement, Patricia D’Antonio, and Elizabeth Poster. This initial group was charged with using “a model similar to the Hartford Foundation model for building capacity in geriatric nursing to develop PMH/Behavioral Health Competencies for non-PMH RNs and APRNs.” Other contributing members of the Taskforce
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