Health Assessment andEnvironmental Impacts ofModalShift in Transportation

Truck transport nowaccounts formorethanhalf of methodforreducing theseimpacts. Thepresent paper goodsdistribution inJapan. However, trucktransportation compares theimpacts ofthese twotransport modes. contributes tohumanhealth problems andclimate change. A Many epidemiological studies havedemonstrated the modalshift intransportation affects awiderangeoffactors, importance of airpollution as a riskfactorand have including theuseoffossil fuel energy, globe-warming, andseaor characterized thedose-response relationships between health landresources. Themodalshift fromtrucktransportation tosea transportation maybeonemethod foraddressing these problems. endpoints andpollutants. Furthermore, theassociation between health andemissions fromdiesel engines isalsogenerally Thepresent paperproposes a methodforevaluating the regarded ascausal. Diesel engines emitexhaust gases, which influence ofthemodalshift intransportation onhealth changescontain toxicsubstances. Thesesubstances arethendispersed using thetechnique ofhealth riskassessment. First, thelevel of intotheatmosphere. Cancer-causing damageoccurs inhumans airborne carcinogens fromshipand truckexhaustwas determined. Then,thedensity ofeachcarcinogen inlocationsastarlt pollonmention. across Japanwascalculated. Finally, thenumberofpeople in ustanae developm ereessocieta adaptai in Japanwhowouldsuffer fromcancer wasderived, andtheeffects response toits awareness oftheneedforzerogrowth. Even ofthemodalshift onhealth areevaluated basedonthedensitygreengrowth" isnotsustainable. Thereisa limit onthe calculation data andcancer risk. numberoftrees theearth cansupport, just asthere isalimit on humanpopulation orthenumberofautomobiles. Thecurrent studyalsoevaluates themodalshift fromtruck h reedistinct demen ocessesa and car transportation to sea transportation fortwo representative routes inJapanusing theecological footprint underwayatthelocallevel, i.e. economic development, method. Carbondioxide (CO2)andothergreenhouse gas communitydevelopment, and ecological development. emissions, andchanges inforest cover before andafter themodal Sustainable development isdefined as"development that shift arecalculated toshowanecological footprint calculation meetstheneedsofthepresent without compromising the related tothemodalshift intransportation.
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