Chromosomal localization of ESTs obtained from human fetal liver via BAC-mediated FISH mapping.

: A total of 55 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) randomly chosen from our collection of fetal liver ESTs were mapped to chromosomes by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) mapping techniques. To generate FISH mapping probes, the genomic DNAs for each EST were selected by screening an arrayed human bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library. In total, 73 BACs were used for mapping of the 55 ESTs. Among them, 70 BACs representing 52 ESTs unequivocally mapped to single chromosomal regions. The remaining 3 BACs representing 3 ESTs were localized to multiple regions, suggesting that BACs may have very low chimerism. Our mapping results were compared with EST mapping databases deposited in NCBI. Thirty-six of 55 ESTs corresponded to previously mapped positions of ESTs, 2 ESTs mapped to different positions from previously determined ones, and it was found that 17 ESTs have been mapped on new locations from this study. These mapping data may be used for completing the framework of the human physical map, and also for providing a good starting point for searching disease-related genes.
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