Are there financial savings associated with supplementing current diagnostic practice for preeclampsia with a novel test? Learnings from a modeling analysis from a German payer perspective

Objective: To quantify the financial impact of adding a novel serum test to the current diagnostic toolkit for preeclampsia (PE) detection in Germany. Methods: A decision-analytic model was created to quantify the economic impact of adding a recently developed novel diagnostic test for PE (Roche Diagnostics, Rotkreuz, Switzerland) to current diagnostic practice in Germany. The model simulated a cohort of 1000 pregnant patients receiving obstetric care and quantified the budget impact of adding the novel test to current German PE detection and management practices. Results: The model estimates that the costs associated with managing a typical pregnancy in Germany are €941 when the novel test is used versus €1579 with standard practice. This represents savings of €637 per pregnant woman, even when the test is used as a supplementary diagnostic tool. The savings are attributed to the novel test’s ability to better classify patients relative to current practice, specifically, its ability to reduce false negat...
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