The Notch Types of the Glenoid Cavity in Adult Dry Human Scapulae

Purpose: The glenoid cavity is a shallow pear shaped articular fossa which is located on the lateral angle of the scapula. To clarify normal glenoid cavity morphometry is important for restoration of normal anatomy which is the goal in orthopedic surgery. The purpose of the present study is to explore the presence or absence of the glenoid notch and the distribution of the type variations of glenoid cavity in dry scapulae bones.Methods: 63 adult dried human scapulae with unknown ages and gender belonging to the Anatomy Department Laboratory of Dokuz Eylul University, School of Medicine were examined macroscopically. The presence or absence of notch and notch types were evaluated.Results: The number % of notch types of glenoid cavity of 63 scapulae, in descending order, were as follows: type 1a 24 38.10% , type 2a 17 26.98% , type 0 13 20.63% , type 2b 6 9.53% , type 1b 3 4.76% . We determined that the most observed type of notch of glenoid cavity was type 1a and the least observed type was type 1b.Conclusion: In the treatment of the recurrent shoulder subluxations or dislocations, orthopedic surgeons need to pay attention to the presence or absence and the types of the notches at the glenoid cavity
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