Morphology and Physicochemical Properties of Alluvial Soils in Riparian Forests after River Regulation

The elimination of flooding and lowering of the groundwater table after large-scale river regulation allow deep penetration of soils by plant roots, soil fauna, and microorganisms, thus creating favorable conditions for advanced pedogenesis. Although the changes of the morphology and properties of agriculturally used drained alluvial soils in Central Europe have been well characterized, studies in riparian forests remain insufficient. An analysis of 21 profiles of forest soils located on the Holocene river terrace (a floodplain before river regulation and embankment) in SW Poland confirmed a noticeable pedogenic transformation of soil morphology and properties resulting from river regulation. Gleyic properties were in most profiles replaced with stagnic properties, testifying to a transition from dominant groundwater supply to precipitation-water supply. The development of a diagnostic mollic and cambic horizons, correlated with the shift in soil classification from Fluvisols to Phaeozems, and in the majority, to Cambisols, demonstrated a substantial change in habitat conditions. The transformation of alluvial soils may result in an inevitable modification of forest management in the river valley, including quantitative alteration in species composition of primarily riparian forests.
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