Influence of dietary phosphorus on mineralization and morphology of Indian major carp, catla (Catla catla) fingerlings

The present study was conducted to investigate the changes in mineralization and morphology in response to graded levels of dietary phosphorus in Indian major carp, Catla (Catla catla) fingerlings (av. wt. 4.23 ± 0.87 g). The experimental system constituted of 24 150-L capacity plastic tanks (eight treatments, three replicates) stocked with 20 fingerlings each. Eight isonitrogenous and isocaloric semi-purified diets (crude protein 35%, crude lipid 8.5%) were formulated with graded levels of phosphorus (0%-control; 0.1; 0.3; 0.5; 0.7; 0.9; 1.1; 1.3; 1.5%) using KH2PO4. The fish were fed twice daily with the respective feeds for a period of 120 days. The percentage of ash content in whole body, vertebrae and opercular bones was found to be significantly (P < 0.05) lower in fish fed low levels of dietary phosphorus (T1, T2) in comparison with other treatments. The concentration of phosphorus and calcium was found to be significantly (P < 0.05) lower in whole body, vertebrae and opercula of fish fed low phosphorus diets (T1, T2) relative to treatments with higher levels of dietary phosphorus supplementation. The concentration of magnesium in opercular and vertebral tissues of T1 group was significantly (P < 0.05) lower than all other groups. The X-ray radiographs did not reveal any skeletal deformities in any of the treatments. Truss analysis showed absence of significant morphological variations between fish of different treatments. The deficiency of dietary phosphorus in catla led to significantly lower mineralization of whole body and bone tissues, but the deficiency was not severe enough to cause skeletal deformities and morphological changes in the fish.
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