Efecto protector de los polifenoles de Rhizophora mangle L. sobre el daño oxidativo a proteínas y ADN

Al extracto acuoso de la corteza de Rhizophora mangle L se le ha demostrado un amplio espectro de usos medicinales: en el tratamiento de la mastitis bovina, la curacion de heridas,las infecciones uterinas y las ulceras gastroduodenales; debido a sus propiedades antiseptica, cicatrizante, antiinflamatoria y antioxidante. Sin embargo, no se han completado los estudios de la actividad antioxidante a todos los niveles de complejidad para dilucidar los mecanismos de accion involucrados en este efecto farmacologico. Objetivo: determinar si el extracto acuoso de R. mangle y su fraccion polifenolica protegen a las principales biomoleculas del dano oxidativo. La evaluacion de la actividad antioxidante del extracto de R mangle y su fraccion polifenolica sobre las principales biomoleculas se determino mediante ensayo de dano oxidativo a la albumina de suero bovino expuesta a los radicales hidroxilo generados en el sistema Fenton y ensayo de degradacion oxidativa del ADN inducido por el sistema bleomicina-Fe3+.El extracto de R. mangle y su fraccion polifenolica, a la maxima concentracion ensayada, disminuyeron la oxidacion de los grupos sulfidrilos en 87,3 y 89,1 por ciento; e inhibieron la degradacion del ADN en 98,4 y 91,9 por ciento, respectivamente. El analisis de regresion mostro que ambos efectos fueron dependientes de la concentracion de taninos en el extracto y su fraccion. La comparacion de las lineas de regresion revelo que el extracto y su fraccion resultaron igualmente eficaces en proteger a la albumina de suero bovino de la oxidacion por los radicales hidroxilos, sin embargo, el extracto fue mas eficaz en proteger al ADN de la degradacion oxidativa que su fraccion. El extracto acuoso de R. mangle mostro un efecto protector a las principales biomoleculas del dano oxidativo, evidenciado por la inhibicion de la perdida de grupos sulfidrilos en la albumina de suero bovino y la disminucion de la degradacion del ADN... The aqueous extract from Rhizophora mangle (L) bark has demonstrated a broad spectrum of medicinal uses; for example, in treating bovine mastitis, wound healing, uterine infections and gastroduodenal ulcers, due to its antiseptic, healing, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. However, the antioxidant activity in its whole complexity has not been fully studied in order to elucidate the mechanisms of action involved in this pharmacological effect. Objective: to determine if R. mangle bark aqueous extract and its polyphenolic fraction protect the main biomolecules from oxidative damage. The antioxidant activity of R. mangle extract and its polyphenolic fraction on the main biomolecules was determined by the following methods: oxidative damage trial on bovine serum albumin exposed to hydroxyl radicals generated in the Fenton system and the bleomycin-Fe3+ system-induced DNA oxidative degradation trial. Results: the R. mangle bark extract and its polyphenolic fraction, at the highest tested concentration, reduced the sulfhydryl group oxidation by 87,3 percent and 89,1 percent and they also inhibited the DNA degradation by 98.4 percent and 91.9 percent respectively. The regression analysis demonstrated that both effects depended on tannin concentration in the extract and its fraction. The comparison of regression lines revealed that the extract and its fraction were equally effective in protecting bovine serum albumin from oxidation by hydroxyl radicals; however, the extract was more effective when protecting DNA from oxidative degradation than its fraction. The R mangle aqueous extract showed a protective effect on the main biomolecules from the oxidative damage, evidenced by inhibiting loss of sulfhydryl group in bovine serum albumin and decreasing the DNA degradation. At the same time, it was shown that polyphenolic compounds present in the extract were the main responsible for the antioxidant effects observed in this study
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