Political communication in the online world : theoretical approaches and research designs

Introduction: Political Communication Research in the Online World Philipp Henn and Gerhard Vowe Part 1: Theoretical Approaches Revisited 1. The Traditional Paradigm of Political Communication Research Reconstructed Philipp Henn, Olaf Jandura and Gerhard Vowe 2. A New Agenda for Agenda-Setting Research in the Digital Era Gabriel Weimann and Hans-Bernd Brosius 3. Old and New Dynamics of Agenda Building in a Hybrid Media System Barbara Pfetsch, Peter Miltner and Daniel Maier 4. Gatekeeping Revisited Katja Friedrich, Till Keyling and Hans-Bernd Brosius 5. The Influence of Online Media on Political Knowledge Marcus Maurer and Corinna Oschatz 6. The Spiral of Silence Revisited Christiane Eilders and Pablo Porten-Chee 7. Third-Person Effect and Influence of Presumed Media Influence Approach Revisited Marco Dohle and Uli Bernhard 8. The New Institutionalism Revisited Patrick Donges and Paula Nitschke 9. Theoretical Approaches to Grasp the Changing Relations Between Media and Political Actors Juliana Raupp and Jan Niklas Kocks Part 2: Research Designs Revisited 10. Fundamental Methodological Principles for Political Communication Research: Validity Even in the Online World? Gerhard Vowe and Philipp Henn 11. Database Driven Content Analysis Marcus Maurer, Jorg Hassler, and Thomas Holbach 12. Observing Online Content Till Keyling & Jakob Junger 13. Mining Big Data with Computational Methods Annie Waldherr, Gerhard Heyer, Patrick Jahnichen, Andreas Niekler, and Gregor Wiedemann 14. Survey Research Online Uli Bernhard, Pablo Porten-Chee, & Martin Schultze 15. Identifying and Analyzing Hyperlink Issue Networks Silke Adam, Thomas Haussler, Hannah Schmid-Petri, and Ueli Reber 16. Flesh and Bone or the Integration of Perspectives in Social Network Analysis Jan Niklas Kocks and Juliana Raupp 17. Organizations as an Analytical Category: Conceptual and Methodological Challenges Paula Nitschke and Kim Murphy Conclusion: Political Communication Research in the Online World Philipp Henn and Gerhard Vowe
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