Response of adult Necator americanus to some known anthelminthics in hamsters.

Adult Necator americanus infection in laboratory hamsters (the hamster-hookworm model) was examined as an anthelminthic screening system. Three reference anthelminthics—pyrantel (PYTL), mebendazole (MBZ) and ivermectin (IVRN)—were used to assess the sensitivity of adult N. americanus and also to investigate the value of the hamster-hookworm model for predicting clinical results. Serial drug dosages were used, and the ED50 was determined from the resulting cure rates. In addition, percentage worm reductions were calculated by reference to the worm burdens in control groups. The results showed that the hamster-hookworm model was able to differentiate anthelminthics on their efficacy. Absolute activity (100% worm reduction) followed treatment with 8 mg kg−1 MBZ, 38–40 mg kg−1 PYTL and 18 mg kg−1 IVRN. Based on ED50 data of PYTL and MBZ, adult N. americanus appeared to be two to five times more sensitive than pre-adult stages. However, with IVRN the reverse appeared true. MBZ appeared to be most active and PY...
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