After a Decade of Development: A Profile of Municipal Drinking Water Plants Utilizing a Sidestream Injection Process

The technology of rapid ozone mass transfer followed by degasification, the GDT™ Process, was first introduced in 1995 by Mazzei et al. At the time of introduction, municipal ozone installations utilized a low concentration, air-fed ozone gas as a disinfectant in atmospheric contact basins fitted with fine bubble diffusers (FBD). Over the past decade, air- fed ozone has given way to highly concentrated, oxygen-fed ozone. The change to concentrated oxygen feed gas has increased concerns about the corrosive effects of high finished water dissolved oxygen (DO). Water treatment plants using oxygen fed ozone have reported finished water DO levels in excess of 20 mg/L, with some plants resorting to air sparging at the back end of the contact basin to restore finished water to atmospheric gas levels. However, the evolution to oxygen feed gas has also produced significant cost benefits. Operating an ozone generator on oxygen increases its ozone production; reducing the size and capital cost of the generator neede...
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