The Synergistic Effect of Serine with Selenocompounds on the Expression of SelP and GPx in HepG2 Cells

We explored the synergistic effect of serine combined with several selenocompounds or used alone on the expression of selenoprotein P (SelP) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) in this study. We first compared the SelP and GPx expression difference between HepG2 and Hela cells treated with serine and finally chose HepG2 as experimental cell. In the serine-used-alone experiment, three kinds of selenium nutritional models (low-, adequate-, and high-selenium) were established and serine was 10 times gradient diluted (0.01 to 100 μmol/L). In the combined experiment, the selenocompound doses were set as 0.01, 0.1, and 1 μmol Se/L and serine was set according to its molar ratio with the selenocompounds. We found that SelP and GPx concentrations in the low-, adequate-, and high-selenium models increased following with serine dose. When the concentration of sodium selenite and SeMet was 1 μmol Se/L while MeSeCys was 0.1 and 1 μmol Se/L, SelP concentrations for serine combined with selenocompounds groups were significantly higher than that of selenocompounds used alone. When the concentration of sodium selenite was 0.1 μmol Se/L, SeMet was 0.1 and 1 μmol Se/L while MeSeCys was 0.01 and 1 μmol Se/L, GPx concentrations for serine combined with selenocompounds groups were significantly higher than that of selenocompounds used alone. Our preliminary result indicated the beneficial effect of serine on the expression of SelP and GPx, which suggested that it might be a candidate for combined selenium supplement.
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