Influence of different casing material on growth parameters and yield of white button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus (Longe. Imboch)

Agricus bisporus are edible mushroom which have excellent nutritional value, and are very popular for their delicacy and medicinal properties. Influence of different casing material on growth parameters and yield of A.bisporus. Different casing mixture showed significant variation on average number of days for pin head initiation after casing. The data presented in Table-2, showed that the minimum average number of days for pin head initiation after casing was found in T7 - FYM + Soil + Sand (2:1:1), representing 17 days which was followed by T5 - FYM + Soil + Ash (2:1:1), representing 18 days and T9 - FYM + Sand + Ash (3:1:1/2), presented 19 Table-2, showed that the minimum with 26 days number of days require for first harvesting was found in T7 - FYM + Soil + Sand (2:1:1), and The maximum number of days require for last harvesting was found in T7 - FYM + Soil + Sand (2:1:1), representing 35 days. Fruiting ability of A. bisporus was significantly affected by different casing mixture combinations. The observations of fruiting ability of A. bisporus was taken at 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th flush. The data presented in Table- 2, showed that the fruiting ability of A. bisporus increased in all the treatments. The maximum fruiting ability of A. bisporus was recorded in T7 - FYM + Soil + Sand (2:1:1),, representing 290.24, 332.39, 317.24 and 252.54 gm against 192.54, 230.26, 210.54 and 110.64gm in case of control at 1, 2, 3, and 4th flushed respectively.
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