Nonlinearity and Low Deterministic Chaotic Behavior in Insurance Portfolio Stock Returns

This article presents new empirical evidence indicating a deterministic component in the portfolio return dynamics of life-health and property-liability insurance company stocks. Our research is motivated by the fact that nonlinearities are a fact of economic life for many financial applications the source of which is logically apparent, yet empirical evidence of their existence is at best weak. The primary reason attributed to the weak findings of nonlinearities reported in previous research is the use of aggregate data that can hide nonlinearities at the micro level. Insurance sector stock returns are analyzed because unique institutional characteristics indicate the possibility of identifying nonlinear dynamics. Tests based on the correlation dimension partially confirm the presence of nonlinearity. However, the more powerful Brock, Dechert, and Scheinkman (BDS) statistic strongly suggests the presence of nonlinearities in the insurance stock portfolio data. The BDS statistic applied to the standardized residuals of exponential generalized auto regressive conditional heteroskedasticity (EGARCH) models strongly rejects the null of independent and identically distributed, indicating that conditional heteroskedasticity is not responsible for the presence of the nonlinear structures in the data. In addition, tests for chaos based on locally weighted regressions indicate that insurance stock portfolio returns indicate low-complexity chaotic behavior. This is an important result since most previous research has failed to report evidence of chaotic behavior in the time series of stock returns. Important contributions of this article are the application of tests of nonlinearities and chaos to more desegregated data sets and the findings of statistically significant evidence indicating nonlinearities and low-deterministic chaotic behavior in insurance stock portfolio returns.
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