Optimization of phenylthiohydantoinamino acid separation by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography

Optimization of phenylthiohydantion (PTH)-amino acid separation by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography was achieved by the use of a weighted variable-size simplex algorithm. The optimization procedure concerned the pH of the aqueous buffer, the sodium dodecyl sulphate concentration and the percentage of organic solvent; the organic solvent used was either methanol or acetonitrile. In both instances the optimization procedure led to very similar final experimental conditions and migration order and times of the PTH-amino acids, showing that the organic solvent probably provides a better polydispersity of the micellar phase. The elution pattern observed in the two instances suggests that ionic interactions and polar repartition play a role in the separation mechanism, but other types of interaction cannot be excluded.
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