Modern theory of physical education postulates the existence of some types of physical endurance, namely general and special, anaerobic and aerobic. Zh.K. Kholodov and V.S. Kuznetsov interpret general endurance as an ability to do work of moderate intensity for a long time in the process of global functioning of muscular system. According to the textbook «Theory and Methods of Physical Education» edited by B.A. Ashmarin, general endurance is a long execution of work with optimal functioning activity of main life-supporting organs and organism's structure. The first definition gives a more specific idea about the defined phenomenon, namely it says about the work of moderate intensity. In comparison with it the second definition appears to be rather abstract. In particular, it is not clear what the author is speaking about using the term “optimal functional activity”. Trying to give a concrete definition the author adds that such an activity manifests itself in the process of doing exercises in the zone of moderate loads. Apart from the abovementioned definition, Zh.K. Kholodov and V.S. Kuznetsov call the general endurance aerobic, meaning that in the process of doing the work that does not presuppose considerable muscular strain the main source of a renewal of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the reaction of oxidative phosphorylation of adenosine diphosphate (ADP), requiring oxygen. The article substantiates the necessity to reconsider the substance of such a basic concept of physical education theory as general endurance. In this connection, a problem of ways how to assess it is raised. Then the authors of the article dissect the generally accepted opinion about physical endurance differentiation into aerobic and anaerobic, proving that this division doesn't exist in reality. Thus, it can be stated that it doesn't matter what exercises an athlete uses to trains endurance, the main contribution to the improvement of result is made by the growth of aerobic component of the processes of power-provision. Therefore, it is wrong to speak about aerobic and anaerobic endurance as independent phenomena and more than that, to speak about training of each of them in particular. Differentiation of all manifestations of endurance can take place only concerning types of activity and the zones of intensity of performed exercises.
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