S.592 - Occupational Safety and Health Reform Act of 1995

Occupational Safety and Health Reform Act of 1995 - Amends the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA) to revise provisions relating to use of OSHA in private litigation. Provides that an allegation of a violation, a finding of a violation, or an abatement of an alleged violation, under OSHA or the standards promulgated under OSHA shall not be admissible as evidence in any civil action or used to increase the amount of payments received under any workmen's compensation law for any work-related injury. (Sec. 3) Provides that, on multi-employer work sites, an employer may not be cited for a violation of certain duties if the employer: (1) has not created the condition that caused the violation; or (2) has no employees exposed to the violation and has not assumed responsibility for ensuring compliance by other employers on the work site. (Sec. 4) Requires the following criteria in development of OSHA standards: (1) significant risk; (2) technological and economical feasibility; (3) reasonable cost-benefit relationship; (4) cost-effectiveness and minimal job loss; and (5) where practicable, expression in objective criteria and desired performance. Prohibits citation for violation of a standard for which the employer has a variance pending. Revises standard priorities based on toxicity and numbers exposed. Requires a regulatory flexibility analysis for each standard promulgated. Requires minimization of time, efforts, and costs involved in retention, reporting, notifying, or disclosure of information required under such standards. (Sec. 5) Revises inspection provisions, including ones relating to the authority of the Secretary of Labor and to recordkeeping requirements. Grants the Secretary discretion in determining which employer complaints must receive formal inspection responses. Requires inspections to be conducted by at least one individual trained in and knowledgeable of the industry or the types of hazards. Provides for fire hazard inspection training and referral. <
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