Abortion of reproductive organs in sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.): a review

SummaryLevels of abortion of reproductive organs (i.e., buds, flowers, and young fruits) in sweet pepper plants (Capsicum annuum L.) are high, and cyclical fluctuations occur in fruit set. Stages susceptible to abortion are very young buds (< 2.5 mm), buds close to anthesis, and flowers and fruits up to 14 d after anthesis. An overview of factors and processes involved in flower and fruit abortion in sweet peppers is presented. More light, higher CO2 concentrations, and lower planting density, increase the availability of assimilates per plant, and decrease fruit abortion. The cyclical pattern in fruit set is caused by changes in demand for assimilates. High flower abortion occurs when fast growing fruit (at approx. 3 weeks after anthesis) are present, due to competition for assimilates. Fruit set increases when fast growing fruit are almost mature and have a low assimilate demand. Prior to abortion, auxin export from the reproductive organ diminishes, ethylene production increases, and lower levels of ac...
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