["European Service Mapping Schedule" (ESMS)--instrument used to describe the structure of mental health care].

: There is many changes in psychiatric service last years. In deinstitutionalization process arising new diversified and wide integrated psychiatric services. Traditional names lose significance for example: open or stationary care. Moreover the same names, have different meaning in different centers or countries. Because of that processes in year 1997 EPCAT group with funding from European Commission Biomed grant developed ESMS instrument by Sonia Johnson and Robert Kuhlmann, to modern description and classification of psychiatric services. Instrument is based on standardizing classification accessible services, with different care models in Europe. In this work authors presented structure of questionnaire and typical applications in catchment areas. That compatible with European standards of psychiatric service instrument, portray gaps in old standards system and indicate developmental trends new psychiatric health service in medical care. Instrument ESMS indicates another possibilities in service study area for example analysis and comparison individual service components and helps in planning local development of psychiatric care services.
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