Development of a high-throughput scintillation proximity assay for the identification of C-domain translational initiation factor 2 inhibitors.

Translational initiation factor 2 (IF2) is the largest of the 3 factors required for translation initiation in prokaryotes and has been shown to be essential in Escherichia coli. It stimulates the binding of fMet-tRNAfMet to the 30S ribosomal subunit in the presence of GTP. The selectivity is achieved through specific recognition of the tRNAfMet blocked α-amino group. IF2 is composed of 3 structural domains: N-domain, whose function is not known; G-domain, which contains the GTP/GDP binding site and the GTPase catalytic center; and C-domain, which recognizes and binds fMet-tRNAfMet. Its activity is strictly bacteria specific and highly conserved among prokaryotes. So far, antibiotics targeting IF2 function are not known, and this makes it an ideal target for new drugs with mechanisms of resistance not yet developed. A few assays have been developed in the past, which allow the detection of IF2 activity either directly or indirectly. In both instances, the assays are based on radioactive detection and do n...
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