Infecção por pox vírus e Aspergillus fumigatus em Bubo virginianus (Coruja jacurutu)

Abstract: This paper describes a case of mixed infection by pox virus and Aspergillus fumigatus in Bubo virginianus (Owl Jacurutu). An adult male Bubo virginianus was referred to the Nucleo de Reabilitacao da Fauna Silvestre, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal de Pelotas (NURFS/CETAS/UFPEL). The owl was active and had a good body condition but with flight disability. After three days of their admission at NURFS the owl developed crusty and verrucous lesions at the dorsal surface of their feet. Also it had nodes on the left eyelid and cera with the same aspect. The owl died 15 days after its arrival. Necropsy and histopatological examination were carried out. The warty lesions had hyperplasia of the epithelium and intracytoplasmic Bollinger-like inclusion bodies in the basal, spinal, granulosa layer and cornea. Viral particles characteristic of pox viruses were shown by electron microscopy. This case includes Bubo virginianus as a host of the avipoxvirus. There were also a mononuclear inflammatory cell infiltrate and bacterial colonies in the dermis. In the lugs, there was congestion and presence of granulomas with intralesional fungal hyphae. With the Grocott stain those structures showed dichotomous branching which was later identified in mycological culture as characteristic for A. fumigates. The diagnosis of avipoxvirus infection can contribute to studies related to the occurrence of this disease in free-living populations and as auxiliary information for the management and conservation of this raptor species. It is also suggested to include the use of X-rays in rehabilitation center protocols as screening test to diagnose aspergillosis in birds of prey with good body condition but inability to fly.
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