Koncepcja dobrej praktyki informatycznej dla sądów powszechnych w zakresie kontroli zabezpieczeń stanowisk i urządzeń komputerowych

The article presents the concept of IT good practice on security controls for workstations and computing devices using checklists. The concept of good practice was formulated during implementation of the project “Education in time management and cost management of judicial proceedings – case management” (a part of the Human Capital Programme). This project was one of the components supporting the reform of the Polish judiciary and was aimed at increasing the efficiency of the judicial system by lowering costs and increasing the skills of those employed in the judiciary. The paper describes the use of checklists for security audits of computer systems at the level of computer workstations and computer equipment. It presents the conditions and background of this practice (legal acts, international security standards), the purpose and benefits of its implementation, and the basic assumptions, scope and functions that should be implemented at different maturity levels and the conclusions of the implementation of good practice.
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