X-ray Analysis of the Bright Source in the Supernova Remnant G350.0-2.0 Field

We present results of the analysis of the XMM-Newton data on the bright source 1RXS J172653.4-382157 in the field of the supernova remnant G350.0-2.0. Its spectrum is well described by power law plus thermal component (blackbody or neutron star atmosphere) model. Therefore the source can be a rotation powered pulsar. Alternatively, it can be a cataclysmic variable star since its spectrum is equally well fitted by the two-temperature optically thin thermal plasma model. No periodic pulsations and flux time variability were found. The upper limit on the pulsed fraction of 27% cannot help to state whether the source is a pulsar or a cataclysmic variable. A faint source was detected in the XMM-Newton optical/UV monitor image and found in the GSC-II catalog and ESO Hα and optical/near infrared broadband sky survey images on the X-ray position of J172653.4-382157. Its spectral energy distribution favors the cataclysmic variable interpretation. Further optical and X-ray observations are needed to confirm this.
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