Different types of cookies are the most popular product of the confectionery industry and are in constant demand among all segments of the population. Creating new products and improving cooking technologies is a promising area of research. The main purpose of the research is to determine the influence of the products of processing vegetable raw materials on the properties of cookies. Sea buckthorn oil and grape marc powder were used as plant raw materials. When conducting research, we used standard methods for the determination of physicochemical parameters. On the basis of the conducted research, the positive influence of additives on the organoleptic properties of cookies was determined. Optimal concentrations of herbal supplements have been determined for which a positive effect is maintained. The addition of herbal supplements increases the humidity of products, which affects the shelf life of increasing it. And also due to the greater water-holding capacity of grape marc, the yield of products increases and the cost decreases. The structural and mechanical properties of cookies are also improved, their biological value is increased due to the chemical composition of herbal supplements. New cookie technologies have been developed. The finished products are characterized by high organoleptic properties, extended shelf life, microbiological stability and are recommended for use in restaurants. Keywords: grape pomace, sea buckthorn oil, biscuits, biological value, alkalinity, lamkost, crumb. REFERENCES 1. Lisyuk, G. (2005) Shlyahi pidvischennya harchovoyi tsinnosti pisochnogo pechiva. Harkіv : HDUHT. – S. 207–211. 2. Ovcharenko, O. (2008) Novi napivfabrikati z pisochnogo tista pidvischenoyi harchovoyi tsinnosti / Zberigannya ta pererobka silgospsirovini. 11. – S. 62–65. 3. Kondratev, D. (2007) Biologicheskaya tsennost vinogradnyih vyizhimok / Materialyi I regionalnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii “Perspektivyi ispolzovaniya novyih vidov syirya v pischevyih tehnologiyah”. – Pyatigorsk: Izd-vo “Ria-KMV”. – S. 29–33. 4. Maner, S. (2015) Wheat Flour Replacement by Wine Grape Pomace Powder Positively Affects Physical, Functional and Sensory Properties of Cookies // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India – Section B: Biological Sciences. – doi: 10.1007/s40011-015-0570-5 5. Kondratev, N. (2008) Vazhneyshie aspektyi ispolzovaniya zhirov dlya proizvodstva konditerskih izdeliy. – № 5 (34). – S. 23–26. 6. Lebedenko, T. (2010) Ispolzovanie ekstraktov pryano-aromaticheskih i lekarstvennyih rasteniy v tehnologii hlebopecheniya // Nauk. pr./ Odes. nats. akad. harch. tehnologIy. Odesa, 2010. Tom 1. № 38. S. 248–253. 7. Koryachkina, S. (2016) Issledovanie vliyaniya kompozitsii tonkodisperstnyih ovoschnyih i fruktovyih poroshkov na kachestvo zyatyazhnogo pechenya. – S. 120–126. 8. Matveeva, T. (2016) Muchnyie konditerskie izdeliya funktsionalnogo naznacheniya. Nauchnyie osnovyi, tehnologiya, retsepturyi. 360 s. 17. Zhuravskaia, N. K., Gutnik, B. E., Zhuravskaia, N. A. (1999). Tekhnokhimicheskii kontrol proizvodstva miasa i miasoproduktov. Moscow : KolosS, 176.   Published:   2019-04-02
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