Optogenetic reactivation of memory ensembles in the retrosplenial cortex induces systems consolidation

The neural circuits underlying memory change over prolonged periods after learning, in a process known as systems consolidation. Postlearning spontaneous reactivation of memory-related neural ensembles is thought to mediate this process, although a causal link has not been established. Here we test this hypothesis in mice by using optogenetics to selectively reactivate neural ensembles representing a contextual fear memory (sometimes referred to as engram neurons). High-frequency stimulation of these ensembles in the retrosplenial cortex 1 day after learning produced a recent memory with features normally observed in consolidated remote memories, including higher engagement of neocortical areas during retrieval, contextual generalization, and decreased hippocampal dependence. Moreover, this effect was only present if memory ensembles were reactivated during sleep or light anesthesia. These results provide direct support for postlearning memory ensemble reactivation as a mechanism of systems consolidation, and show that this process can be accelerated by ensemble reactivation in an unconscious state.
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