What Wellington region city councillors think of smokefree outdoor places.

AIM: To explore the knowledge of and attitudes to outdoor smokefree policies expressed by city councillors in the Wellington region. METHOD: Out of 39 councillors in Lower Hutt, Porirua, and Wellington cities, face-to-face semi-structured interviews were conducted with 21 councillors (54%) during November-December 2007. RESULTS: Most of the interviewees agreed that outdoor smoking would affect role modelling to children (86%) and create litter in public places (76%), whereas other impacts (pollution, health, annoyance, anxiety) attracted less agreement. Many interviewees had little knowledge about such impacts. There was very limited knowledge about existing outdoor smokefree policies elsewhere (38%) including knowledge of the smokefree parks policy in nearby Upper Hutt (19%). There was some support for both such policies (particularly for smokefree playgrounds) and for council intervention. Most councillors identified a range of potential obstacles to effective policy implementation. Some suggested that such obstacles could be overcome by education and advocacy to increase awareness and public support. CONCLUSIONS: Councillor acceptance of outdoor smokefree policies partly depends on demonstrated public support, and assessments of existing policies. There is a need for health advocates to better inform councillors of the successes of such policies internationally and in New Zealand.
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