26 Redesigning the regional teaching program for palliative medicine

Background Traditionally the trainees in the North West and Mersey deaneries have run separate teaching programs. After NW and Mersey deaneries merged the decision was made to have one education program and provide a regional day of teaching on alternate months. Attendance is mandatory for trainees, but open to all doctors working in the specialty. We designed a 4 year program of topics based on the specialty curriculum. Each half day covers one topic and is organised by a trainee from either NW or Mersey with consultant support. The program is overseen by SpR leads who manage the email account, registration for each day and support for session organisers. Trainees organising each half day are encouraged to lead a session, enabling them to get formal feedback and a teaching observation completed. Methods We ran this program for 12 months before completing a review. 2 surveys were sent out using survey monkey. One was sent to all attendees and another to those who had organised sessions. The demographics of attendees were also analysed. Results Sessions have been attended by a mix of trainees, consultants and SAS doctors, with 30–35 attendees per day. 84% of attendees said the sessions met their learning needs either well or very well. 92% rated the sessions as good or excellent. 92% of session organisers felt they had enough support and information. The main challenge was finding speakers, which 58% reported to be difficult or very difficult. Conclusions Feedback has led to the creation of a checklist to support those organising sessions. Senior SAS doctors will be more involved, making the most of expertise in the region. The new program has been well received. It provides education that meets the needs of the training program whilst supporting other doctors working in the specialty.
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