Assessment of testicular biopsy after cessation of maintenance chemotherapy in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia: a report from the Children's Cancer and Leukemia Study Group.

: Among 484 male patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) registered into the protocols CCLSG 811, 841 and 874, from 1981 through 1990, 246 patients completed their protocols and were in continuous complete remission (CCR) for more than 3 years. One hundred and seven patients received bilateral testicular biopsies at the time of cessation of maintenance chemotherapy. Eight patients (7.5%) were found to have occult testicular leukemia (TL). Three of them did not receive any additional therapy and all suffered subsequent relapses; one bone marrow relapse and two testicular relapses. The other 3 patients received testicular radiation combined with an additional 2 years of chemotherapy, resulting in CCR for more than 6 years 10 months, 7 years 6 months, and 8 years 6 months. One with chemotherapy alone and another with radiation alone showed subsequent relapse. Overt TL after negative initial biopsy was developed in 3 (3.0%) of the 99 patients. All of them received testicular radiation with chemotherapy, resulting again in CCR for more than 1 year 0 months and 5 years 3 months; one patient showed relapse in testes and bone marrow after 3 years 8 months of CCR. These studies suggested that occult TL has an adverse prognostic significance unless retrieval chemotherapy is given and that performance of testicular biopsy at completion of maintenance chemotherapy is not contributory to prolongation of disease-free survival for males with ALL because the treatment employing testicular radiation plus retrieval chemotherapy for both occult TL and isolated overt TL after off-therapy is similarly very effective.
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