Discriminant analysis of quantification theory on prognostic factors of chemotherapeutic effects on advanced testicular cancer. East Japan Testicular Tumor Study Group

: Prognostic factors of chemotherapy against advanced testicular cancer were analysed in 33 cases studied by East Japan Testicular Tumor Study Group. In this study a discriminant analysis of quantification theory (a multivariate analysis) was adapted, taking 7 factors as comparative variables. The significant factors for complete tumor response were clinical stage, histology, and tumor markers (HCG-beta, AFP). Prognostic score was calculated in each case by quantification theory, which correctly discriminated the group with CR from that without CR, at a probability of 90.1%. The results of our study indicate that the outcome of chemotherapy on advanced testicular cancer may be predicted with probability, by patients' status and adopted treatment. It may enable one to make an adequate treatment schedule for each patient.
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