{sup 35}Cl+{sup 12}C asymmetrical fission excitation functions

The fully energy-damped yields from the {sup 35}Cl+{sup 12}C reaction have been systematically investigated using particle-particle coincidence techniques at a {sup 35}Cl bombarding energy of {approximately}8 MeV/nucleon. The fragment-fragment correlation data show that the majority of events arises from a binary-decay process with rather large numbers of secondary light-charged particles emitted from the two excited exit fragments. No evidence is observed for ternary break-up events. The binary-process results of the present measurement, along with those of earlier, inclusive experimental data obtained at several lower bombarding energies are compared with predictions of two different kinds of statistical model calculations. These calculations are performed using the transition-state formalism and the extended Hauser-Feshbach method and are based on the available phase space at the saddle point and scission point of the compound nucleus, respectively. The methods give comparable predictions and are both in good agreement with the experimental results thus confirming the fusion-fission origin of the fully damped yields. The similarity of the predictions for the two models supports the claim that the scission point configuration is very close to that of the saddle point for the light {sup 47}V compound system. The results also give further support for the specific mass-asymmetry-dependent fissionmore » barriers needed in the transition-state calculation. {copyright} {ital 1996 The American Physical Society.}« less
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