I am pleased to inform you that the DIRG commitee reviewed your Challenge Award and provide $2000 in funding.

Generally, the committee members were impressed with your proposal. One reviewer was especially enthuasistic, “In my opinion the strongest application (by far) is the one brought forward by GDO division. It is the only one that explicitly links the funding request with the criteria of the Enterprise and Challenge awards. As well, it is a new initiative and makes the most articulated case for how the monies will be used as part of a larger plan, and how the monies will importantly accelerate efforts.” A second reviewer was “most supportive of the GDO proposal. A third reviewer argued that it “sounds like a great idea” Reviewers also identified issues that might be useful as you move forward and implement your proposal. An important “question is who will oversee and guide the graduate student working on this project?” Another reviewer suggested that “the survey also incorporate respondent assessments of the curriculum and research activities of their institutions as they relate to respondents' work experience and faculty-institution ‘fit’." A reviewer also wondered “doesn’t AOM have this information already? Have we not been surveyed not to long ago?” Perhaps you can build upon the existing AOM data as you develop your data collection.
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