Trabalhando saúde ambiental com crianças de um grupo religioso: relato de experiência

Environmental education combined with health education activities, carried out with children, can be considered effective strategies, taking into account the countless impacts that the environment and human actions cause on life expectancy and health. The present report aims to discuss the experience of an educational action carried out in a catechism meeting for children of a religious group. The practice was performed by students in the 6th semester of the nursing course. The activity took place through the dialogical approach to the content with the children, through the production of creative materials produced through the practice of reuse, followed by the distribution of these materials accompanied by seeds as a way to encourage reforestation and conscious environmental attitudes. In view of the need to work on environmental education with the population, the integration and participation of different social and political sectors is essential, including the educational and family sphere in order to guarantee the development of strategies aimed at changing attitudes and reflection critical and conscious about environmental issues. Nursing must also be included as an effective plan and strategy not only in the health education process, but also in the care, prevention and promotion of environmental health provided directly to the population, in order to ensure the individual's holistic care and care.
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